Conference at the University of Graz, Austria
Autumn Colloquium of the International Society of Philosophical Practice (IGPP) in cooperation with the Professional Association of Philosophical Practice (BV-PP) and final conference of the research project "Philosophical Practice in Palliative Care and Hospice Work. The role of philosophical reflection in the development of a culture of care and knowledge about dying" (University of Graz)
You can download the flyer here. (English version on pages 3 and 4.)
Encounters in Ultimate Situations. Philosophical Practice and Palliative Care in Dialog
Dying, death and mourning often lead to a preoccupation with philosophical questions, and this is where patients, relatives and various professionals and volunteers meet in a special way. The conference deals with the social significance of care at the end of life. It brings together actors from philosophy, philosophical practice, care work and research to engage in an interdisciplinary dialogue and exchange of perspectives.
Keynote speeches, workshops, poster sessions, etc.;
Conference languages: German and English.
Please save the following dates in your calendar:
October 10 -12, 2025.
Preliminary Conference Program (in English on pages 3 and 4)

Call for Abstracts
Would you like to present a workshop, paper, or poster at the conference?
Please send your abstract for a workshop, paper or poster in English or German as a PDF attachment to hospizphilosophie@uni-graz.at, stating the section and format in the subject line (e.g. Section Palliative Care Poster). In the cover letter, please include your full name, academic title, and the name of your university or employer (if available). Please note that only one submission per person will be considered.
Please submit your abstract between 1 April and 31 May 2025. You will be notified of the decision on your submission by 30 June 2025.
For more information on how to submit an abstract, please click here: Download Call for Abstracts.
Your Contact Person
Dipl. Sozialpäd. (FH), Ak. Phil. Praktikerin Stefanie Veronika Rieger MA, Syst. Beraterin (SG)
+43 316 380 - 3679
Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Alterns- und Care-Forschung
Schubertstraße 23
8010 Graz