Dying, death, and mourning are philosophical topics that are immediately apparent to people in the context of Palliative Care and Hospice work in everyday life. However, academic philosophy is often impractical and difficult to access for people who accompany the dying in various roles on a daily basis. This need can be met by Philosophical Practice that addresses the issues in a hospice setting.
Philosophical Practice as a professionalized movement of communal philosophizing then offers the depth that is fed by the history of philosophy and academic philosophy, but is enriched by the personal encounter of people among people. In Philosophical Practices all over the world, philosophical topics are discussed on an equal footing, usually independent of academic prerequisites and contexts.
In our online workshops, we will show you exactly how Philosophical Practice and Palliative Care can be mutually enriching, and after a keynote speech, we will philosophize with you about concerns that arise directly in the context of Palliative Care and Hospice.
Look forward to workshops and lectures by: Patrick Schuchter, Stefanie Rieger, Sandra Radinger, Klaus Wegleitner, Omar Ibrahim and many more.
For the theme days
What unites and separates PC and PP,
Philosophizing with the dying,
Philosophizing with the carers and
Dying, death and grief & caring communities
we are putting together a group of experts from different disciplines around our research team who share our guiding principle.
Target group: Palliative care professionals and interested parties.
Language: German.
Registration: Please reserve a place via Eventbrite. Click on this link.
Your Contact Person
Dipl. Sozialpäd. (FH), Ak. Phil. Praktikerin Stefanie Veronika Rieger MA, Syst. Beraterin (SG)
+43 316 380 - 3679
Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Alterns- und Care-Forschung
Schubertstraße 23
8010 Graz